
nuffnang x

Friday, July 30, 2010

I wonder y ???

why i feel sleepy after crying...??

and pak google said (pick up randomly)

People do get tired after crying because of chemicals (endorphines) in the brain are released which causes the person to tire.Its like a great wears you out chemical releases and mood change emotionally draining, and physically draining as well. kind of relaxing in a weird way too.

details about the fact aku belum google secara ilmiah far blh percaya dan jangan percaya.
my advice..for those yg ada exam tomorrow atau pun today..please don't cry..atau jangan tengok cite2 sedey atau slot akasia yang sedey2..atau pun baca blog yang sedey2 sebab impact dia adalah sama..your tears will make you sleepy..sudah ku praktikkan..kalau lepas baca blog doa untuk alanna  gue mesti nangis nyer..lopeh tu mesti nanguntuk..dh tak blh baca jurnal lagi..adoyai..

al-fatihah buat adik alanna

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